Карты Вселенной все возрастающего масштаба
K. Boeke. Cosmic view: the Universe in 40 jumps.
R. Powell. An Atlas of the Universe.
B. Bryson. Powers of Ten.
M. Annemie. Astronomy: the guide to the Universe.
D.E. Vincent. Our long address.
Солнечная система
W.A. Arnett. The Nine Planets: a multimedia tour of the Solar System.
C.J. Hamilton. Views of the Solar System.
Ближайшие звезды
The one hunfred nearest star systems.
The Nearest Stars to Earth.
The Closest star to the Earth.
Местная система звезд и газа
G. LeDrew. Exploring Gould's Belt (Part I).
G. LeDrew. Exploring Gould's Belt (Part II).
The GAIA Study Report: The Gould Belt.
P.C. Frisch. The Galactic Environment of the Sun.
3-D Mapping of the Local Interstellar Medium.
Млечный Путь
Plan views of the Milky Way Galaxy (the Canadian Galactic plane survey).
H. Freudenreich. Deconstructing the Milky Way.
Multiwavelength Milky Way.
G. Smith. The Milky Way galaxy.
The GAIA Study Report: Structure and Dynamics of the Galaxy.
W.K. Hartmann, C. Impey. The Milky Way Galaxy (The cosmic jorney, part 23).
R. Arendt. The Shape of the Milky Way.
Местная группа галактик
И. Дроздовский. Местная группа галактик.
G. Lake. Cosmology of the Local Group.
H. Frommert, C. Kronberg. The Local Group of galaxies.
J. Bondono. Local Group data list.
M. Irwin. The Local Group.
Местное сверхскопление и крупномасштабная структура Вселенной (см. также ссылки к Главе 6)
B. Tully. Large Scale Structure in the Universe.
A Trip Through the Universe! The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey Fly-Through Movie.
S. Sycamore. VRML Map of the Regional Galaxies.
A. Fairall. Large-scale structures in the Universe.